


項目 項目
M 判[medium size] M1
M2 M2+CD
M3 MΩ[megohm]
m MA1[Kingdom of Morocco]
MA2[mental age] MA3[message area]
M.A.[Master of Arts] mA[milliampere]
MAD1[Madrid] MAD2(マッド)[mutual assured destruction]
MAD3[Republic of Madagascar] MAI[Multilateral Agreement on Investment]
maj.[major] M & A[merger and acquisition]
.man[manual] MAP(マップ)[Manufacturing Automation Protocol]
MAR[Kingdom of Morocco] MARC(マーク)[machine-readable catalog]
MAS[Malaysia] maser(メーザー)[microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation]
MASH(マッシュ)[mobile army surgical hospital] MATIF[(フ) Marche a Terme International de France]
MAW[Republic of Malawi] MAX[multi amenity express]
max.[maximum] MB[megabyte]
mb[(フ) millibar] MBA[Master of Business Administration]
MBE[molecular beam epitaxy] MBO[managing by objectives]
MC1[machining center] MC2[marginal cost]
MC3[master of ceremonies] MC, M.C.4[Member of Congress]アメリカの,国会議員。特に下院議員。
MC5[modular coordination] MC6[Principality of Monaco]
Mc[megacycle] MCA1[Management Coordination Agency]
MCA2[monetary compensatory amount] MCA3[multi-channel access system]
MCCA[(ス) Mercado Comun Centroamericano] MCLS[(acute febrile)mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome]
MCM[multichip module] MCO[Orlando]
MD1[merchandising] MD2[mini disc]
MD3[Republic of Moldova] Md[mendelevium]
MDA[Republic of Moldova] MDAP[Mutual Defense Assistance Program]
MDC[more developed country] MDF[medium density fiberboard]
M.D.M.[(フ) Medecins du monde] MDV[Republic of Maldives]
ME1[medical electronics] ME2[medical engineering]
ME3[microelectronics] MEADS[medium extended air defense system]
MEDLINE(メドライン)[MEDLARS On-Line] MEG[magnetoencephalogram]
MEL[Melbourne] MEM[Memphis]
MERCOSUR(メルコスール)[(ス) Mercado comun del sur] MeV(メブ)[million (mega) electron volts]
MEX1[Mexico City] MEX2[United Mexican States]
MF1[medium frequency] MF2[midfielder]
MFA[Multinational Fiber Arrangement] MFN[most favored nation]
MG1[myasthenia gravis] MG2[Republic of Madagascar]
Mg[magnesium] mg[(フ) milligramme]
MGL[Mongolia] MH1[Malaysia Airlines]
MH2[Republic of the Marshall Islands] MHD[magnetohydrodynamics]
MHD 発電[magnetohydrodynamic generation] MHz[megahertz]
MI1[Midway Islands] MI2[Military Intelligence]
mi[mile] MIA1[Miami]
MIA2[missing in action] MIC1(ミック)[management of indirect costs]
MIC2[military-industrial complex] MICOS(マイコス)[meteorological information confidential on-line system]
MICS[Multi Integrated Cash Service] .mid[MIDI]
MIDI(ミディ)[musical instrument digital interface] MiG(ミグ)[(ロ) Mikoyan i Gurevich]
MIGA(ミガ)[Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency] mil[mile]
MIME(マイム)[Multipurpose Internet Mail Extention] min.1[minimum]
min.2[minute] MIP[most important person]
MIPRO(ミプロ)[Manufactured Imports Promotion Organization] MIPS(ミップス)[million instructions per second]
MIRCEN[Microbiological Resource Center] MIS[management information system]
Miss MIT[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
MITI(ミティ)[Ministry of International Trade and Industry] MK 鋼[Mishima-Kizumi steel]
MKD[The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia] MKE[Milwaukee]
MKO[Mujahidine Khalq] MKS 単位系[meter-kilogram-second unit]
MKSA 単位系[meter-kilogram-second-ampere unit] ML[Republic of Mali]
ml[(フ) millilitre] MLD[minimum lethal dose]
MLI[Republic of Mali] MLS[microwave landing system]
MLT[Republic of Malta] MM[The Union of Myanmar]
MM21[Minato Mirai 21] mm[(フ) millimetre]
MMA1[Metropolitan Museum of Art] MMA2[money market account]
MMC[money market certificate] MMD[maximum mixing depth]
MMDA[money market deposit account] MMF1[Money Management Fund]
MMF2[money market fund] MMMF[money market mutual funds]
MMR ワクチン[MMR-vaccine] MMU[memory management unit]
MMVF[multimedia video file] MMX[multimedia extension]
MN[Mongolia] MN 式血液型
Mn[(ド) Mangan] MNC[multinational corporation]
MNE[multinational enterprises] MNL[Manila]
MNLF[Moro National Liberation Front] MO[Macao]
MO ディスク[magnet-optical disk] Mo[(ド) Molybdan]
MOx(モックス)[mixed-oxide] MODEM(モデム)[modulatordemodulator]
MOF1[Minister of Finance] MOF2(モフ)[Ministry of Finance]
MOF3[mixed oxide fuel] MOF4[multiple organ failure]
MOF 勘定[Minister of Finance account] MOF 集中相場[Minister of Finance concentration rates]
mol[(ド) Mol] MoMA(モーマ)[Museum of Modern Art]
MON[Principality of Monaco] MOPR(モップル)[(ロ) Mezhdunarodnaya organizatsiya pomoshchi bortsam revolyutsii]
MOR[middle of the road] MOS1[marine observation satellite]
MOS2(モス)[metal-oxide semiconductor] MOS トランジスター[metal-oxide semiconductor transistor]
MOS-IC[metal-oxide semiconductor-integrated circuit] MOS-LSI[metal-oxide semiconductor large-scale integrated circuit]
MOSS(モス)協議[market-oriented sector-selective talks] MOT[Ministry of Transport]
.mov[movie] MOZ[Republic of Mozambique]
MP, M.P.1[Member of Parliament]イギリスの,国会議員。 MP2[military police]
MP3[Northern Mariana Islands] MP 盤[middle playing record]
MPAA[Motion Picture Association of America] MPD1[maximum permissible dose]
MPD2[Metropolitan Police Department] MPEG(エムペグ)[moving picture expert group]
.mpg m.p.h.[miles per hour]
MPIS[multi-purpose information system] MPLA[(ポルトガル) Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola]
MPP[massively parallel processing] MPR[(インドネシア) Madjelis Permusjawaratan Rakjat]
MPT[Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication] MPU[microprocessing unit]
MQ1[Martinique] MQ2[metol hydroquinone]
MR1[Islamic Republic of Mauritania] MR2[marketing research]
MR3[medical representative] MR4[motivation research]
Mr.[mister] MR ヘッド[magneto-resistive head]
MRA[malignant rheumatoid arthritis] MRF[money reserve fund]
MRI1[magnetic resonance imaging] MRI2[Republic of Mauritius]
mRNA[messenger RNA] MROM[mask read-only memory]
MRP1[machine-readable passport] MRP2[material requirements planning]
Mrs.(ミセス)[Mistress] MRSA[methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus]
M.R.T.A.[(ス) Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru] MS1[Egyptair]
MS2[medium shot] MS3[mission specialist]
MS4[Montserrat] MS5[multiple sclerosis]
M.S.[Master of Science] M/S[meters per second]
Ms.(ミズ) MSA1[Maritime Safety Agency]
MSA2[Multilateral Steel Arrangement] MSA3[Mutual Security Act]
MSAC(エムサック)[most seriously affected countries] MSC[Multimedia Super Corridor]
MS-DOS[Microsoft disk operating system] M.S.F.[(フ) Medecins sans frontieres]
MSI[medium-scale integration] M.S.I.[(イ) Movimento Sociale Italiano]
MSN[Microsoft Network] MSO[multiple systems operator]
MSP[Minneapolis] MSS[mass storage system]
MST[(ポルトガル) Movimento dos Sem-Terra] MSW[medical social work]
MT1[magnetic tape] MT2[manual transmission]
MT3[master tape] MT4[medical technologist]
MT5[megaton] MT6[Republic of Malta]
MTA[medical technology assessment] MTB[mountain bike]
MTBF[mean time between failures] MTCR[Missile Technology Control Regime]
MTN1[Islamic Republic of Mauritania] MTN2[medium-term note]
MTN3[Multilateral Trade Negotiation] MTO[Multilateral Trade Organization]
MTR[multi-track recorder] MTS 系[meter-ton-second system]
MTTR[mean time to repair] MTV[Music Television]
MU[Republic of Mauritius] MUC[Munchen]
MUF(マフ)[material unaccounted for] MUSE(ミューズ)[multiple sub-Nyquist sampling encoding]
MUSE(ミューズ)デコーダー[multiple sub-Nyquist sampling encoding decoder] MV1[megavolt]
MV2[motor vessel] MV3[Republic of Maldives]
mV[millivolt] MVA[megavolt-ampere]
MVP[most valuable player] MW1[megawatt]
MW2[Republic of Malawi] MWD[megawatt-day]
MX[United Mexican States] Mx[maxwell]
MXP[Milano] MY[Malaysia]
MYA[Union of Myanmar] MZ[Republic of Mozambique]