


項目 項目
N n
n NA[Republic of Namibia]
Na[(ド) Natrium] NAA[National Association of Accountants]
NAACP[National Association for the Advancement of Colored People] NAB1[National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan]
NAB2[New Arrangements to Borrow] NACC[North Atlantic Co-operation Council]
NACCS(ナックス)[Nippon Automated Custom Clearance System] NACS[Nippon Association of Consumer Specialists]
NAD[nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide] NAFTA(ナフタ)[North American Free Trade Agreement]
NAL[National Aerospace Laboratory] NAM1[National Association of Manufacturers]
NAM2[Republic of Namibia] NAMMCO(ナムコ)[North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission]
NAN[Nandi] NANA(ナナ)[North American Newspaper Alliance]
NAOC(ナオック)[Nagano Olympic Organizing Committee] NAPF(ナップ)[(エスペラント) Nippona Artista Proleta Federacio]
NARC[Newspaper Advertising Review Council] NASA(ナサ)[National Aeronautics and Space Administration]
NASCAR(ナスカー)[National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing] NASD[National Association of Securities Dealers]
NASDA(ナスダ)[National Space Development Agency of Japan] NASDAQ(ナスダック)[National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations]
NAT[network address translator] NATO(ナトー)[North Atlantic Treaty Organization]
NAVSTAR(ナブスター)[Navigation System with Time and Ranging] NB[national brand]
Nb[(ド) Niob] NBA1[National Basketball Association]
NBA2[National Braille Association] NBC[National Broadcasting Company]
NBC 兵器[nuclear, biological and chemical weapons] NBR[acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber]
NC1[network computer] NC2[New Caledonia]
NC3[Nordic Council] NC4[numerical control]
n/c[no change] NCA[Republic of Nicaragua]
NCAA[National Collegiate Athletic Association] NCC1[National Christian Council of Japan]
NCC2[New Common Carrier] NCD[negotiable certificate of deposit]
NCNA[New China News Agency] NCU1[network control unit]
NCU2[neurological care unit] Nd[(ド) Neodym]
NDC[Nippon Decimal Classification] NDL[National Diet Library Classification]
NDP[net domestic product] NDT1[Nichigeki Dancing Team]
NDT2[nondestructive testing] NE[Republic of Niger]
Ne[neon] NEC[National Economic Council]
NED1[A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles] NED2[Kingdom of the Netherlands]
NEDO(ネド)[New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization] NEEDS(ニーズ)[Nikkei Economic Electronic Databank System]
NELSON(ネルソン)[New Editing and Layout System of Newspapers] NEO1[near-earth object]
NEO2[noncombatants evacuation operations] NEP1[Kingdom of Nepal]
NEP2(ネップ)[(ロ) Novaya ekonomicheskaya politika] NF1[National Front]
NF2[nonfiction] NF3[Norfolk Islands]
NF4[(フ) Norme francaise] N.F.[National Front]
NFC[National Football Conference] NFL[National Football League]
NFS[network file system] NFUA[National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan]
NG1[Federal Republic of Nigeria] NG2[National Gallery of Art]
NG3[National Guard] NG4[no good]
N.G.[National Gallery] NGC 星表[New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars]
NGF[nerve growth factor] NGL[natural gas liquid]
NGO1[Nagoya] NGO2[nongovernmental organization]
NGR[Federal Republic of Nigeria] NGS[Nagasaki]
NH[All Nippon Airways] NHK[Nippon Hoso Kyokai]
NHL[National Hockey League] N.H.S.[national health service]
NI1[national income] NI2[Republic of Nicaragua]
Ni[nickel] NIC[network interface card]
NICE[National Institute on Consumer Education] NICU[neonatal intensive care unit]
NIEO(ニエオ)[New International Economic Order] NIES(ニーズ)[newly industrializing economies]
NIG[Republic of Niger] NIH[National Institutes of Health]
NII[National Information Infrastructure] NIMBY(ニンビー)[not in my back yard]
NIRA(ニラ)[National Institute for Research Advancement] NIS[Newly Independent States]
NIST(ニスト)[National Institute of Standards and Technology] NISTEP[National Institute of Science and Technology Policy]
NK[Nippon Kaiji Kyokai] NK 細胞[natural killer cell]
NL1[Kingdom of the Netherlands] NL2[National League]
NLA[neuroleptanalgesia] NLD[National League for Democracy]
NLM[National Library of Medicine] NLP[night landing practice]
nm[nautical mile] NMD[National Missile Defense]
NMF[natural moisturizing factor] NMR[nuclear magnetic resonance]
NMR-CT[nuclear magnetic resonance computed tomography] NNE[net national expenditure]
NNP[net national product] NNW[net national welfare]
NO[Kingdom of Norway] No[nobelium]
No., no.[(ラ) numero] no.[(フ) nombre]
NOAA(ノア)[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] NOC[National Olympic Committee]
NoHo(ノーホー)[North of Houston Street] NOR[Kingdom of Norway]
NORAD(ノーラッド)[North American Aerospace Defense Command] NOT 回路[NOT circuit]
NOTAM, notam(ノータム)[notice to airmen] NOU[Noumea]
NOW(ナウ)[National Organization for Women] NOW 勘定[negotiable order of withdrawal]
NOx(ノックス)[nitrogen oxides] NP[Kingdom of Nepal]
Np[neptunium] NPA[New People"s Army]
NPC[National People"s Congress] NPD[(ド) Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands]
NPO[nonprofit organization] NPS[nuclear power station]
NPSC[National Public Safety Commission] NPT[Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty]
NR1[noise reduction] NR2[Republic of Nauru]
NR 数[noise rating number] NRA[National Rifle Association of America]
NRC[Nuclear Regulatory Commission] N.R.F.[(フ) La Nouvelle Revue Francaise]
NRI[Nomura Research Institute] NRT[Narita]
NRU[Republic of Nauru] NS クラス[Nippon Standard Class]
NSA1[National Security Agency] NSA2[National Standards Association]
NSC1[National Security Council] NSC2[National Space Council]
NSC3[neighborhood shopping center] NSC4[Nuclear Safety Commission]
NSF[National Science Foundation] NSFNET[National Science Foundation Network]
NSI[new social indicators] NSK[Nihon Shinbun Kyokai]
NST[non-stress test] NT[National Trust]
N.T.[New Testament] NTB1[non-tariff barrier]
NTB2[(ノルウエー) Norsk Telegrambyra] NTF[Nigeria Trust Fund]
NTFA[National Track and Field Association] NTM[non-tariff measures]
NTSB[National Transportation Safety Board] NTSC[National Television System Committee]
NTSC 方式[NTSC color television system] NTT[Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation]
NU[Niue] NUCEF[Nuclear Fuel Cycle Safety Engineering Research Facility]
NUL[National Urban League] NUP[National Unity Party]
NVC[nonverbal communication] NVOCC[non-vessel operating common carrier]
NW[Northwest Airlines] N.Y., N.Y.C.[New York City]
NYMEX(ナイメックス)[New York Mercantile Exchange] NYSE[New York Stock Exchange]
NYT[New York Times] NZ1[Air New Zealand]
NZ2[New Zealand] NZL[New Zealand]